Not Suitable For All Audiences (Dungeon Core TV Book 3) by Michael Todd & Michael Anderle

Not Suitable For All Audiences (Dungeon Core TV Book 3) by Michael Todd & Michael Anderle

Author:Michael Todd & Michael Anderle [Todd, Michael & Anderle, Michael]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: LMBPN Publishing
Published: 2024-03-07T00:00:00+00:00


The WDEA’s branch office was everything Luther had expected: plush carpets, expensive paintings, and impressive statues. The long oak table and comfortable chairs in the conference room illustrated the power and influence of the young organization.

Eight years ago, the World Dungeon Exploration Association had not existed. Now, it was the most important organization on the planet. Their link to the Voltaxians made everything from NATO to OPEC quaint relics of a pre-alien past. They controlled the future of humanity in a very real way.

Team Cowboy sat on either side of the table, and Adam sat at the head. He had offered cursory greetings, and an assistant had brought water and coffee before closing the doors.

Whether any of the scenarios that swirled in Luther’s head would crystallize into real threats depended on the next few minutes.

Adam smiled. “Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. I know you’re busy training with your new equipment. Seeing Luther in action yesterday showed me how Team Cowboy has come so far, so quickly. I admire your dedication.”

“Thank you kindly, Adam,” Luther replied. “Since you know our time is important, I assume we’ll get right to business.”

Carl winced, but Lili and Vanessa nodded.

Adam cleared his throat. “Straight to the point. So, the cowboy thing is less of a schtick than I believed. I appreciate your directness, and I wish I could respond in kind, but I’m limited by certain restrictions. What I can tell you is that I’m interested in recruiting your party for a push calibration dive.”

Lili frowned. “Wait. A push calibration dive? Not a test calibration dive?”

Adam looked at Luther. “Would you mind telling me what you know about calibration dives? I want to make sure we’re all on the same page, given the sensitivity of this matter.”

Luther sensed this was a test. “Test calibration typically involves a single party whose average strength is equal to the dungeon’s known strength. A rescue party of stronger or equal rank remains on standby. The purpose of a test calibration is to determine whether a dungeon has become stronger and requires reclassification. It typically occurs if a dungeon has shown unusual or unexpected changes.

“A push calibration dive, on the other hand, is an exploration of a new dungeon using a large joint force of explorers. I don’t know the technical particulars, but I understand it’s important for determining the baseline of a new dungeon for efficient mana export.”

He had not known this when he had entered Cez’s dungeon. He had asked Cez later if that had counted as a push calibration, and Cez had explained that he would have needed far more explorers to ensure stable, long-term mana self-generation.

Carl’s eyes widened. “The Voltaxians have planted a new Dungeon Core on Earth, and you want us to help figure out how dangerous it is.”

Vanessa raised an eyebrow. “That’s what Luther said.”

Carl blinked. “Yeah, but it just sank in. Shit.”

Adam nodded. “You have a good understanding of the process. Not all parties do. Are you willing to sign on?”

Lili frowned.


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